Phoenix LiveView
I'm playing with Phoenix LiveView this weekend to port a little Goban I wrote in Elm last year to Elixir.
One feature that's missing from LiveView currently is handling hovering, which I use to show where you can place your stones. I found the delightfully small source for the Javascript side of LiveView.
It's really easy to read and understand (given you're a bit familiar with event
handling in JS), and it's also pretty straight-forward to add new events. The
only drawback is that I have to duplicate closestPhxBinding
, and
, so hopefully they won't change too often.
function closestPhxBinding(el, binding) {
do {
if(el.matches(`[${binding}]`)){ return el }
el = el.parentElement || el.parentNode
} while(el !== null && el.nodeType === 1 && !el.matches("[data-phx-view]"))
return null
window.addEventListener("mouseover", e => {
const outBinding = liveSocket.binding("mouseout")
const overBinding = liveSocket.binding("mouseover")
const target = closestPhxBinding(, overBinding)
const overPhxEvent = target && target.getAttribute(overBinding)
const outPhxEvent = target && target.getAttribute(outBinding)
if(!overPhxEvent || !outBinding){ return }
function outHandler(e) {
target.removeEventListener("mouseout", outHandler, false)
liveSocket.owner(target, view => view.pushEvent("mouseout", target, outPhxEvent))
target.addEventListener("mouseout", outHandler, false)
liveSocket.owner(target, view => view.pushEvent("mouseover", target, overPhxEvent))
}, false)
I'll just share this here because the project doesn't allow for new features yet and it might come in handy for someone.